成绩优异的⾼三⼥孩成茗为了实现⾃⼰⼼中⾳乐剧演员的梦想开始突破⽗母、学校以及艺考 专业内容审核的重重困境,成功的进⼊国内⾸屈⼀指的艺术院校,成为⾳乐剧专业的学⽣, 并且遇到了傲娇中⼆的顶流爱⾖佑之奇,儒雅的卫风,酷飒的艾⽶,憨直的丁冬冬,傲慢的 屈诗韵,逗⽐的张义勇以及⾼冷的⽅雅丽。成茗和他们成为好友,组成热闹的⼩团体,收获 了友情,同时也和佑之奇收获了纯真的爱情。成茗⽤⼀颗阳光善良、积极进取的⼼,⾯对⾝ 边的困难,快速成长,⼀步步的接近梦想,和⼤家⼀起成就⾃⼰的青春时代……
- Cheng Ming Zai Wang
- Xing He Cui Can De Wo Men
- 成名在望
In order to realize her dream of a musical actor, Cheng Ming, a high school senior with excellent grades, broke through the difficulties of her parents, schools and professional content review of art examinations, and successfully entered the leading art academies in China. , became a student majoring in musical theater, and met the top-notch Aiyouzhiqi, the elegant Weifeng, the cool Aimi, the straightforward Ding Dongdong, the arrogant Qu Shiyun, and the funny Zhang Yiyong and the cold Fang Yali. Cheng Ming became friends with them, formed a lively small group, gained friendship, and at the same time gained pure love with You Zhiqi. With a sunny, kind and aggressive heart, Cheng Ming faces the difficulties around him, grows rapidly, approaches his dream step by step, and achieves his youth with everyone...