This program, the first in the series under its new title, "Alive TV," compiles memorable segments from past installments of "Alive From Off Center" into a thematically-organized montage. Highlights include the following: a discussion of David Gordon's work by ten characters, all played by Gordon himself; an Eric Bogosian piece about the defensive discomfort of an ambitious businessman who has gotten a promotion at the cost of a friend's job; a selection from Meredith Monk's "Book of Days" that takes a young girl from a village in the Middle Ages to modern Manhattan; a portion of a Blondell Cummings dance/performance piece in which a woman recalls collective female experiences and relationships from a time past in a stylized kitchen setting; and Laurie Anderson introduces her clone to an interviewer. Also includes pieces by Ann Magnuson, William Wegman, Micha Bergese and Pookiesnackenburger, Tom Cayler, Bill T. Jones, Spalding Gray, Peter Fischli and David Weiss.