Sidney, upset that Jason and Nikki don't believe her claims about Keith, comes clean about the details surrounding the day of his disappearance, causing Jason to cast serious doubt on the boy claiming to be his son. Meanwhile, Mike's police mentor brings a missing officer's case to the MPU team.
Lorsque Sidney révèle les détails du jour de la disparition de Keith, Jason se met à douter du garçon qui prétend être son fils. George, ancien mentor de Mike chargé de la sécurité du port de Philadelphie, signale la disparition d'un de ses employés.
Cuando alguien cercano a Mike acude a la unidad para pedir ayuda y poder encontrar a uno de sus empleados desaparecido, el caso les conduce a una investigación del FBI.
Sidney, Keith hakkındaki iddialarına Jason ve Nikki'yi inandıramadığı için üzülür. Keith'in ortadan kaybolduğu günle ilgili bazı itiraflarda bulunması şüphelere yol açar.
Sidney gesteht die Einzelheiten über den Tag von Keiths Verschwinden.