Alan Carr explores the life of the crime writer, meeting fellow fans including the Rev Richard Coles and going behind the scenes on The Mousetrap. He also visits locations including the remote yet stunning Burgh Island and Greenway House in Devon, which helped influence some of Agatha Christie's most successful novels.
Alan Carr otkriva tragove najveće spisateljice kriminalističkih priča svih vremena, Agathe Christie. Pritom se susreće s kolegama obožavateljima, poput velečasnog Richarda Colea, i obilazi lokacije kao što su Burgh Island i Greenway House, koje su utjecale na nastanak nekih od njezinih najuspješnijih romana.
Alan Carr verkent het leven van de misdaadschrijver, ontmoet medefans zoals ds. Richard Coles en neemt een kijkje achter de schermen bij The Mousetrap. Hij bezoekt ook locaties zoals het afgelegen maar prachtige Burgh Island en Greenway House in Devon, die een aantal van Agatha Christie's meest succesvolle romans hebben beïnvloed.