Yu's down because Shouta moved away. It is found out that Yu is scared of the pool, so Kippei decides to take her to the pool so she can get over her fear. Kokoro comes to the pool as well and Kippei falls in love with her bathing suit, though he doesn't think she should wear it in public. Kokoro helps Kippei get Yu to go under water.
Yu está deprimido porque Shouta se mudó. Se descubre que Yu le tiene miedo a la piscina, por lo que Kippei decide llevarla a la piscina para que pueda superar su miedo. Kokoro también viene a la piscina y Kippei se enamora de su traje de baño, aunque no cree que deba usarlo en público. Kokoro ayuda a Kippei a conseguir que Yu se sumerja en el agua.