Today marks the first day of the D23 Expo 2017 in California. Before I jump into the convention head first, Kieran and I head to iHop to eat a hardy breakfast to get ready for the day ahead. I then get in the rather long line to enter the convention. I pass through ticket scanning, security and manage to pick up my free tote bag, souvenir guide and a lanyard. Once inside the convention hall I give you guys a mini tour in an effort to have a quick look around and try and gain my bearings. I start off wondering through the emporium which features many different sellers from around the world. There's even one store dedicated to just sorcerer Mickey stuff! I then take a stroll towards one of the store whereby I bump into my friend Tiffany Mink. You may recognise Tiff from the Thingamavlogs or her awesome magic inspired store WhosItsAndWhatsIts. I then get into a three hour line for the Disney Store. I do give you a brief look at what's available in the store once I get inside.