Adam Richman's most important meal of the day is a long-forgotten Domino's delicacy from 1985, delivered fresh with a wakeup call, coffee and a newspaper. Then, he'll visit the first mall location of food court staple Auntie Anne's pretzels to try and uncover the secret to their pretzel recipe that hasn't changed since the 80s. Plus Adam will uncover how the 80s impacted coffee, cereal and cereal commercials.
No café da manhã, Adam Richman come uma iguaria criada pela Domino's em 1985 e esquecida há muito tempo. Mais tarde, ele visita o local onde os pretzels Auntie Anne's nasceram para tentar descobrir a receita deles, inalterada desde os anos 80. Além disso, Adam descobre como os cereais o afetaram.
Le repas le plus important de la journée, pour Adam Richman, est une friandise de Domino's oubliée depuis 1985; Adam visite aussi le premier centre commercial à avoir abrité un restaurant Auntie Anne.
Auf seiner kulinarischen Reise durch die 80er Jahre, begibt sich Adam Richman heute nach Ypsilanti, Michigan, um eine längt vergessene Delikatesse von Domino’s Pizza zu probieren. Außerdem taucht er in die weite Welt der Cornflakes ab und besucht das erste Auntie Anne’s Restaurant in einem Einkaufszentrum in Pennsylvania.