Twas the night before Christmas, but Ryan didn't care.Taking out Santa was his goal, and leaving him in his underwear.As he hung from the balcony with his trusty silenced pistol,He quickly jumped down and gave a quick whistle.The enemy came closer to check out the noise,But Santa Ryan was there waiting, with a brick and his toys.He didn't see it coming, or really feel pain,Because Santa Ryan smashed a brick into his brain.It seemed a little brutal but it's Hitman, you know.Nothing can stop the Mad King, look he's yelling, "Ho, Ho, Ho..."With a twinkle in his eye, he plots his next attack,To the basement he goes. Oh, look, a bad guy. WHACK!He killed all of them, with a smile on his face.Then ran to the exit as if it were a hot race.Then came the cut-scene as the mission was done,Santa Ryan yells, "Merry Christmas to All, damn killing is fun!"