Inashiro ask a change in player, replacing Hirano as pitcher with Mei. With the new team in Inashiro, there is a lack of leader, coach is thinking of making Mei the captain of this team. Mei strikes out the first batter on his first pitch. Ugumori's player Gacchan manage a steal. Inashiro sends in a messenger. Inashiro teammates reconfirm confidence in Mei, but he doesn't seem to need it, he is already confident enough. Mei pitches, and resulting in two foul, The catcher called for change-up but Mei denies, The cather then called for a forkball and Mei saids no, they can't seems to agree on the pitch. Em decides they can force their way with a fastball and batter hits resulting 2 run for Ugumori. In Seido, Sawamura tells the assistant coach not able to pitch what he want to pitch and walk away is scarier than pitching an inside ball. While samara is looking forward to the payback he will have with Inashiro, They get a call informing them the defeat of Inashiro. Coach tells Mei that an Ace that pitches for himself is not an true Ace.
Tandis que Seido l'emporte haut la main face à Nanamori, Inashiro a du mal à marquer contre Ugumori. Le champion de l'été réussira-t-il à l'emporter ?
우구모리와의 시합에서 예상외의 고전을 면치 못하며 결국 나루미야까지 등판하게 된 이나시로 실업. 원아웃 1, 3루 타자는 우구모리의 에이스이자 4번 우메미야. 과연 이 승부의 결과는...?!