Sawamura is given his first start against Nanamori. Before the game commences he pitches against Kuramochi and shocks everyone by pitching inside. Meanwhile Mei trains his backup from left field. The episode rotates between Inashiro and Seido matches. Seido gets out to a 5-0 lead as Sawamura comes to the mound. Sawamura accidentally beans the first batter before loading the bases. Nanamori realizes Sawamura is focusing on outside pitches and decides to target them, so Sawamura waves of one call and asks to throw an inside pitch.
Le match opposant Seido à Nanamori commence. Le coach a décidé de donner sa chance à Eijun en tant que lanceur titulaire. Sera-t-il à la hauteur malgré son handicap par rapport aux lancers intérieurs ?
가을대회 2회전 나나모리와의 경기에서 선발로 결정된 것은 사와무라였다. 바깥쪽 공을 살리기 위해 몸쪽 공을 던지기 시작한 사와무라, 그러나 첫 타자부터 데드볼을 맞히고 마는데...