The second semifinal takes place as Inashiro Vocational battles a surprise dark horse in Sakurazawa High. Sakurazawa had 20 consecutive seasons of first round exits until some surprise first years arrived. Inamooto Masaaki, Hitokoro Yoshimi, and Nagao Akira arrived. Akira brought in the same enthusiasm as Sawamura, but while his pitch looked super slow, the erratic pattern confused many payers. Masaaki surprises everyone by getting the top of Inashiro's order out with his knuckle ball, but when Mei takes the mound and strikes out the side Sakurazawa begins to realize how little a chance they have of advancing. This episode covers the second half of chapter 134 through chapter 136.
La seconde demi-finale commence. Le lycée Inashiro, grand favori, rencontre le lycée Sakurazawa, totalement inconnu car il n'avait jamais passé plus d'un match les années précédentes. Quel secret cache Sakurazawa pour avoir remporté autant de victoires cette année ?
이나시로 대 사쿠라자와. 사람들의 예상은 백이면 백 이나시로 실업의 낙승이었다. 하지만 사쿠라자와의 선발 나가오가 너클볼을 앞세워 이나시로 타선을 철저히 틀어막고... 이에 자극받은 이나시로의 선발 에이스 나루미야는 1회부터 피치를 올린다.