Ichidai continues to watch the game between Seido and Akikawa, declaring the next team to score will win in this 2-2 tie. Coach Katoka inserts Haruichi as a pinch hitter, and he responds by getting on base. Sawamura's bunt gets Haruichi to second base and brings up the lead-off batter, Kuramochi. Will Kuramochi finally be able to master Shunshin Yeung's clockwork control and get on base? Which team will score and seize control? No matter the outcome, Yeung is happy because he finally gets to play the style of Japanese baseball he grew up envying in his last summer of play in Japan.
Seido et Akikawa arrivent à la fin de leur match. Ils ne parviennent toujours pas à se départager. Mais Shunchen, la machine de précision d'Akikawa, a perdu de son assurance depuis l'entrée en jeu d'Eijun. Qui l'emportera ?
사와무라가 철저히 아키카와 타선을 막아내면서 2:2 상황은 계속된다. 그렇게 맞이한 7회 말, 대타로 투입된 하루치는 인코스를 정확히 노려 출루하고... 이를 시작으로 세이도의 짜임새 있는 발야구와 화력이 발휘되기 시작한다.