Miyuki continues to try to get Sawamura to pitch inside and gain additional control, but his motivational speeches seem to have little to no effect on Sawamura. Sawamura begins to try to trust in his infielder's, and as he does so he sees his pitching begin to improve. While many runs are given up, both Sawamura and Furuya learn the lessons the coach hoped to have them learn in the training camp. After the game Coach Matsumoto acknowledges Sawamura's ability and praises how it can be a secret weapon if it is utilized correctly, but only with a little refining.
Le match qui oppose la meilleure équipe lycéenne d’Osaka et le lycée Seido bat son plein. Furuya est sur le banc de touche, et Eijun montre de quoi il est capable. Voyons si cela suffira à l’emporter…
사와무라는 불안한 제구 때문에 연이어 위기를 맞지만 야수들의 도움으로 힘겹게나마 선전한다. 이를 지켜보던 미유키는 사와무라에게 또다시 충격요법을 사용하고 사와무라는 발끈하는데... 경기가 끝나고 그날 밤, 사와무라는 몸이 천근만근인데도 자신의 부족함 때문에 울컥해서 잠을 이루지 못한다.