The practice game between Seido and Osaka Kiryu begins with Furuya determined not to give up any hits after remembering the coaches words, "go get obliterated today." The first batter nails his fastball deep to the outfield. A bases loaded walk gives Kiryu a 3-0 lead and prompts a visit to the mound by Miyuki. The visit reminds Furuya to trust in the fielders around him. Furuya begins to intentionally give up hits so his outfielders can cover for his current weakness.
Les nouveaux venus dans l’équipe première enchaînent avec un match, juste après la fin de leur camp d’entraînement. Les titulaires savaient ce qui les attendaient, mais ce n’est pas le cas de tout le monde…
합숙을 마무리짓는 연습경기 첫째날, 후루야가 선발로 출전한다. 하지만 합숙으로 쌓인 피로 때문인지 후루야는 난조를 보이며 포볼을 남발하는데... 4회에 이미 10점 이상을 내주고 투구수도 100개를 넘는 최악의 기록을 보여준다.