Soo Jin tells Chan Ki that she thinks Eun Han has regained her memory. She tells him about how she went down to the basement and turned on Hector Berlioz’s symphony. The two go down to the basement, and upon seeing them, Eun Han slaps Soo Jin across the face. Meanwhile, Eun Han’s daughter tells her that she had hid the cellphone in the wine cellar.
드디어 기억을 되찾은 은한은 대신 주인에게 돌려주라며 강우에게 건넸던 휴대폰의 행방을 찾는다.
그러나 이미 강우의 손을 떠나버린 휴대폰.
은한을 돕기 위해 휴대폰을 추적하던 강우가 마침내 휴대폰을 손에 넣으려는 순간, 예상치 못했던 인물이 휴대폰을 낚아채려 달려드는데..