At the police station, Eun Han, her family, Kang Woo, and Chan Ki all gather together. They finally find out that Jee Eun Han and Shin Hyun Seo are the same person. Kang Woo tells Chan Ki that someone has been trying to kill her and that a rich woman has hired the killer. However, Chan Ki seems to be confused. Furthermore, he tells Kang Woo that Eun Han has been suffering from depression for years to which Kang Woo replies that that cannot be possible.
자신의 정체가 밝혀진 뒤 정든 강우의 옥탑방을 떠나게 된 은한.
강우와 은한은 서로를 향한 아쉬운 마음을 숨긴 채 마지막 인사를 나눈다.
그렇게 찬기를 따라 저택으로 돌아가게 된 은한.
수진은 의미심장한 표정으로 은한을 맞이할 준비를 하는데..