Frustrated novelist Felix Cramer returns to London after years abroad. Led by his own selfish desires, he begins a destructive affair with his best friend's 18-year old daughter.
Felix and Sally continue their passionate affair with a secret weekend together in Cambridge. How long can they keep their secret from their families?
Sally makes a discovery that will change her future. She is scared to tell Felix, but even more scared of what her family will say.
Sally takes refuge with her father. Meanwhile, Felix is already pursuing an affair with another woman, careless of the harm he has caused.
Helen's show opens. Meanwhile Sally sees a previously hidden side of her father, and Inge finds a way to take her revenge on Richard and Felix for their transgressions.
Richard runs wild. Meanwhile, Felix goes on holiday, blissfully unaware of the storm about to break over his head.
With everyone's secrets in the open, loyalties are put to the test. Felix finally faces up to his actions.