Choi Kang-ta is a super agent with a feared reputation who gains powers similar to a god. As a child, he lost his parents and was adopted by an American couple. After becoming an adult, he returns to Korea to exact revenge on the murderer of his father. He learns that there were four people responsible for his father's death. In the midst of carrying out his plans, his partner Vivian betrays him, putting his life in danger. He is nursed back to health by Bo-bae, a reporter he met by chance, and as he falls in love with her, his beliefs are shaken. After recovering from his wounds, he settles down in a slum neighborhood where he befriends the poor residents. For the first time in his life, he is surrounded by warmth and love in his new home, and finds peace within himself. But Hwang Woo-hyun, a high-ranking official at the Korean Central Intelligence Agency and heir to the Hwanglim Group empire, becomes enraged with jealousy that Choi Kang-ta stole Bo-bae away from him and decides to have him eliminated.
Michael King, alias Choi Kang-Ta (Song Il-Kook), jure de venger ses parents assassinés. Il est prêt, pour cela, à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires, même les plus dures.
Intransigeant, strict et sans aucune indulgence, il est le chef d'une organisation secrète et d'un syndicat mondial de drogue.
Sa rencontre avec Jin Bo-Bae (Han Chae-Young), une jeune journaliste débutante dans un journal local, va remettre tout en question.
Car, au fur et à mesure qu'il se met à éprouver des sentiments pour elle, sa conception de la justice et sa conviction de combattre le mal par le mal vont commencer à s'effriter...
Michael King bosszút fogad a szülei halála miatt. Koreában született és Hawaii-n nevelkedett, szentül hiszi, hogy felhasználhatja az erejét egy alvilági drogbáróként azért, hogy megbüntesse azokat, akik fájdalmat okoznak neki. Azonban a hite megrendül, mikor beleszeret egy riporterbe, Jin Bo Bae-be.
Michael King (Song Il Gook) jurou vingaça para a morte de sua família, o pai foi assassinado e sua casa queimada. Nascido na Coreia e criado no Havaí, ele irá usar sua influência para punir aqueles que o machucaram. Entretanto, quando ele conhece uma repórter chamada Jin Bo Bae (Han Chae Young) que estava no Havaí à trabalho, as coisas podem ficar um pouco confusas e incertas para ele.
Майкл Кинг поклялся отомстить убийцам своих родителей. Он становится главой секретной группировки, которая занимается истреблением опасных для общества типов, но все меняется с появлением в его жизни вездесущей журналистки по имени Чжин Бо Бэ...