In 2011 a distressed 999 call is made by Julie Dixon to say masked men have attacked, and her partner David is in a room on fire. But a different story later emerges...
Truck driver Collin Reeves calls the police and makes a sickening confession: he has stabbed both of his neighbours to death with a commando knife. But was is pre-meditated murder?
Glastonbury yoga teacher Dawn Lewis calls 999 and claims that she has stabbed her lodger Glenn Richards in self-defence. Richards had a history of violence, so Lewis' story seems believable...
On 17th February 2014, 19-year-old Lewis Daynes calls the police to say he has stabbed 14-year-old Breck Bednar. Was this the culmination of a plan to take advantage of the younger teen?
Holiday-maker Mark Terry calls the police after his friend Gary Pocock is found dead on the beach, hideously beaten and unidentifiable except for a distinctive dragon ring he always wore.
Veteran pilot Robert Brown calls the police, prompting an investigation. After three days of interrogation, Brown confesses to killing his ex-wife by accident - but the truth is far more sinister.
A panicked 999 call comes in from a man called Foster Christian, claiming he is being attacked in his own home. But later, survivor statements tell a very different story...
A coroner records a verdict of accidental death for Susan Nicholson. But her family believe there is more to the story: it isn't the first time her partner Robert Trigg has woken to find his partner has died.
David Browning, a married father of two, confesses that he has killed his boss, Jill. But he claims that he is not guilty of murder, on the grounds of diminished responsibility. But how will the jury decide?
Alan Jermey calls 999 to report that his house is on fire. When his partner Kirsty is found dead, Jermey claims someone broke in and murdered her. But the evidence does not mount up in his favour.
When a family refuse to accept their son Jack died of an overdose, they undertake their own investigation, and identify a man with Jack the night that he died. Dots are joined, connecting four murders.