Everything’s finally ready so just stick to the plan and you’ll do great! You do remember the plan... right?
Sure! I don’t see how anything could go wrong with this course of action!
Trust you me, nothing bad has EVER happened in a sewer!
Ah... the “stealthy” choice.
I never much cared for flying but I appreciate you picking the more stylish option!
There’s no WAY anything bad could happen with this choice!
This might be the biggest lapse in judgement I’ve ever seen from you. And that’s saying something!
I would like to point out for the record that that man is NOT an engineer…
Beautiful day for a walk, eh? Or a jog. Or a sprint…
These idiots won’t know what hit ‘em!
That smart, handsome guard won’t know what hit him!
The ocean can’t be that large. Someone will probably be by soon!
Do muscles still work if you’re a doll?
I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before…
Aw... but it could have been FUN! Oh wait no... no it couldn’t have.
Good thinking! I don’t trust anyone with a hat.
What a charming man! Handsome too!
Wow! That’s so noble of you! For the record, I would NOT have done the same…
Yeah, sure. Ok. Right. Uh-huh.
Sure! Sounds fun! I do love a good jingle!
Um... no.
Dig a hole. Dig a hole. Dig a hole.
Ooh shiny!
Knowledge is power!
Ignorance is bliss!
How hard can it be to build a sign?
Every island has a cave. That’s just the law.
Now I’m DEFINITELY sure I’ve seen this somewhere before!
I’m beginning to think this guy’s somewhat of a masochist, eh?
I’ve also found that the solution to most problems is sudden, unexpected violence!
Well I’m just as confused as when this adventure started so, why not?
Why is everything so close to that diner? And where is that diner, I’m hungry…
Probably not the smoothest move. And speaking of smooth moves!
Hurray! But I can’t help but feel like we’re forgetting something…
Not quite what I expected…
Always best to have a couple extra back-up plans just in case.
You don’t read much manga, do you?
NOPE!! NO THANK YOU! Wherever THAT goes it couldn’t have been good!
This is most certainly a well-informed choice!
I can see EXACTLY why you picked this option!
Smells good! Oh wait... no it doesn’t Not at all…
Don’t you think you’re being a little JUDGEMENTAL?
Drastic idiots call for drastic measures.
Wow... that’s uncharacteristically noble of you!
When I weigh my life versus literally everybody else’s I pick mine EVERY TIME!
What’s that on his leg?
Oh so NOW you decide to be noble?
All according to the back-up plan.
Take THAT Bob! If that IS your real name!
Not really what I anticipated…
Never a bad idea to stick to the back-up plan to the back-up plan.
Just like tripping over a friend while you’re being chased by a bear! SMART!
Never second guess yourself! Even in the face of OVERWHELMING evidence!
Wow... that was WAY sadder than I thought it’d be.
My favorite! Probably even better considering the age!
A classic! A really REALLY old classic!
Well this was a long way to go for a simple joke that no one will remember. Oh well! When has that ever stopped me before?
Take THIS Wade! Unless you have ANOTHER secret name!
Mark & Michael play a lounge-y, laid back (and Totally Libe) version of I Don't Wanna Be Free from A Heist With Markiplier.