Gekkou and Mirai start fighing Taito and Himea, but are interrupted by Gekkou's brother Hinata. Taito uses up all six of his lives and seemingly dies while Himea screams his name and he wakes back up in class. "The new tranfer student" Himea walks into class and jumps onto him, knocking both of them to the floor while everyone else is blushing. Haruka is shocked. They meet Gekkou and Mirai, and Gekkou tells them they are going to be his "slaves" and work with them in the student council. Himea tells Taito they will be together foever while she clings to his arm.
Taiko si ricongiunge ad Himea ma vengono interrotti da Gekkou che tenta di uccidere la ragazza. Ma improvvisamente compare Hinata, che già in passato aveva dato la caccia alla ragazza. Così giunge il momento per Taito e Gekkou di unire le forze.
Taiko se reúne con Himea, pero son interrumpidos por Gekkou que intenta matar a la niña. Pero de repente aparece Hinata, que ya había cazado a la niña en el pasado. Así que ha llegado el momento de que Taito y Gekkou unan fuerzas.