This episode discusses how the "Broken Lens" of the major news outlets aided in the telling of a distorted view of the actual events of September 11th 2001.
This episode deals with the implausible official government story and the resulting search for truth by engineers, architects, psychologists and normal everyday citizens. How is it the government knew immediately & exactly what had happened, who did it, and what we as a nation where going to do about it?
In this Episode: Noted scholars discuss the scientific problems with the official (government) Reports & Accounts of what happened in New York city on 9-11; Among them are: Jim Fetzer, PhD (a Philosopher of Science) Stephen Jones, PhD (a Nuclear Physicist) and Judy Wood, PhD (a Directed Energy Weapons Theorist).
In this episode: Dr. Judy Wood discusses the "Phenomena" of the disappearing structures. How could fire from jet fuel and office & building furnishings have caused this fundamental change in the Twin Tower's structure & makeup? Clearly something else was at play.
This episode notes the three law suits/complaints filed by Morgan Reynolds PhD (a Professor of Economics and a George W. Bush Administration Official), DR. Judy Wood and DR. Stephen Jones respectively.
In this episode: Morgan Reynolds PhD (a Professor of Economics and a George W. Bush Administration Official) reviews the complete absence of physical evidence (of purported planes) at the reported impact and crash sites.
This episode addresses the clear and apparent evidence of the insertion of planes into the videos via "video compositing" and "keying".
This episode demonstrates how the events of September 11th, 2001 were nothing more than a planned and coordinated Psychological Operation designed to influence the perception and attitudes--most importantly--of the American citizens, but also others abroad.