Nan-hee and Hyung-tae each go home early after going out on dates with different people. They are surprised to see each other when they arrive home. Nan-hee asks Hyung-tae whether he is dating Ji-sun and when Hyung-tae mumbles something about how things are not working out in his relationship, Nan-hee is happy to hear that. Days later, Nan-hee spots her mother coming over for a visit and she immediately runs to her apartment to hide all of Hyung-tae belongings in a closet while Hyung-tae tries to find a place to hide...
與蘭熙分手之後,政洙整個人就像失了魂似的,連球也投不好,還錯失了成為國家代表隊的機會。而蘭熙則是常常因為思念政洙而暗自哭泣,甚至還在大半夜喝醉酒後跑到其他住戶家門口大鬧,炯泰實在看不下去,硬是將呆站在電梯裡的蘭熙丟進浴缸,並澆了她一頭冷水。但是卻不小心將蘭熙的稿件給弄濕,兩人只好到出版社加班,就如同平常開玩笑時 ,炯泰突然覺得對蘭熙有莫名的感覺。在炯泰的幫助下,蘭熙慢慢恢復了正常生活,兩人的互動也漸漸變好。又有一個老同學要結婚,蘭熙、炯泰、春喜跟俊茂都去參加了婚禮,炯泰從俊茂口中得知,當年俊茂跟蘭熙分手的原因竟是為了自己。政洙在去比賽的途中偶遇蘭熙,多日來的思念讓他瘋狂追著蘭熙的車,就連比賽都放棄了,也因此遭到體罰。政洙跑到蘭熙家,哭著求蘭熙見她一面,而炯泰剛好在這個時候回到家來﹒﹒﹒