En août 2011, Rodolph Berruet, un jeune homme de 24 ans se tue au volant, sur une petite route du Vexin. Sa famille est totalement anéantie et notamment son père, Alain Berruet. Ce dernier se mue alors en criminel sans scrupule, persuadé qu'un homme est responsable de l'accident de son fils. Cette affaire criminelle va défrayer la chronique judiciaire.
In August 2011, Rodolph Berruet, a 24-year-old young man, killed himself at the wheel on a small road in the Vexin region of France. His family is totally devastated, especially his father, Alain Berruet. The latter turns into an unscrupulous criminal, convinced that a man is responsible for his son's accident. This criminal case is going to make the judicial chronicle.