The pilot episode of a possible future series - if the feedback is positive! This is the first ten comics of 8-Bit Theatre presented to you in a good ol' Green Flame Movies fashion. Episode 2 will be better; we promise. This was a sort of experiment, and the voice acting will be definately improved as we'll be practicing the scripts and recording them together next time... SHOCK HORROR!
The story continues as Black Mage and Fighter reach Corneria, and all hilarity ensures when Fighter decides he wants to be a Light Warrior.
While Fighter is distracted with the Light Warrior auditions, Black Mage checks out Corneria a bit more - and runs into the "most gorgeous woman in the universe". Cue the pain.
As Red Mage enters the story, the gang realise that they're one too many for a Light Warrior team, and deliberation begins.
Chaos ensures when Black Mage realises he's very unpopular, and tries to cheat Fighter out of the Light Warriors.
Garland and Princess Sara join the story, as the wanna-be heroes reach the castle in order to finally apply for the Light Warrior job.
The now OFFICIAL Light Warriors gear up before their first adventure.
The Light Warriors meet back up at the Inn, and Garland submits an evil scheme to Princess Sara.
In the first part of this episode, we take a deeper look into the minds of the Light Warriors (and Garland) via their dreams.
In the second part of Episode 9, the Light Warriors begin their quest and engage their first random encounter as a party.
The finale for Season 1 concludes the Light Warrior's first battle as a group, and marks the re-entry of White Mage and Black Belt.