「自分のことになると本気というのがよくわからなくてね」 届け屋にISAからの依頼が入る。 運ぶ物はとある危険な物質で、衝撃があると大爆発を引き起こす…。 運搬を一任された玄蕃は浮かれつつも出発。 しかし道中で偶然出会した未来も加わり大騒ぎ。 妙な言葉を話す苦魔獣も現れ混沌とする届け仕事。 屋根より高い志で 地に足のつかない敵を討てるのか──。
``I don't really understand being serious when it comes to myself.'' The delivery person receives a request from ISA. The object they are carrying is a certain dangerous substance that will cause a huge explosion if it is impacted. Genba, who was entrusted with the transportation, departed, feeling excited. However, along the way, he happens to meet Mirai, who joins in and things become a big fuss. A beast that speaks a strange language appears and the delivery job becomes chaotic. With ambitions higher than the roof, will you be able to defeat an enemy that cannot stand on the ground?
Taiya et les autres etant occupés à une mission de premier ordre, Shirabe confit la livraison d'une valise à Gemba. En chemin il croise Mira mais pas que !