冥黒王ジェルマンの猛攻が続く中、 突如ニジゴンが姿を消す。 必死で行方を探す宝太郎たち。 手がかりを元に辿り着いた先は…… ニジゴンは一体どこに消えたのか!? そんな中、 アトロポスと約束を交わしたりんね。 ギギストから誘いを受けるスパナ。 それぞれの思惑が動き出し、 物語は予想外の結末へ……!
As the Dark Lord German continues his fierce attack, Nijigon suddenly disappears. Houtarou and his friends desperately search for their whereabouts. Based on the clues, they arrived at the destination... Where on earth did Nijigon disappear to? ? Meanwhile, Rinne makes a promise with Atropos. Spanner receives an invitation from Gigist. Each person's intentions begin to move, and the story reaches an unexpected ending...!