無事に共闘し、サイゲツを撃退した宝太郎たち。 しかし、カグヤが今度は宝太郎を襲い始める。 喧嘩にしてはやりすぎだ! 一体その理由とは……? 一方、ハンドレッドも最終攻撃態勢に。 「終末時計」が時を刻み始めた…… その計り知れない威力の前に、 宝太郎とカグヤが起こす行動とは?
Houtarou and his friends successfully fought together and repulsed Saigetsu. However, Kaguya now starts attacking Houtarou. It's too much for a fight! What is the reason...? Meanwhile, Hundred is also preparing for a final attack. The "Doomsday Clock" has begun to tick... What actions will Houtarou and Kaguya take in the face of its immeasurable power?