ある日のキッチンいちのせ。 うっとりと異様な空気を醸し出す蓮華の姿が。 なんと恋をしているらしく、 宝太郎たちはその相手を見つけ出そうと跡をつけることに。 さらにとある街中。 容姿端麗、魅力を振り撒き歩く謎の男の姿が。 その姿は・・・ オカルトケミーのズキュンパイア・・・!? 彼は大量の人を引き連れ、何か企んでいる様子。 その目的とは一体・・・? 一方、闘志を燃やすクロトーは、 グリオンからある力を授けられる。 彼女もまた、何か企みがあるようで・・・ 蓮華の恋の行方、クロトーの企み、 そしてズキュンパイアの謎をガッチャせよ!
One day in the kitchen. The appearance of a lotus flower creates a mesmerizing and strange atmosphere. It seems that they are in love, so Houtarou and his friends decide to follow him in order to find him. Furthermore, in a certain town. There is a mysterious man with good looks who exudes charm. Its appearance is... the Zukyunpire of occult chemistry...! ? He seems to be planning something with a large group of people. What exactly is that purpose? Meanwhile, Kuroto, who has a strong fighting spirit, is given a certain power by Glion. She also seems to have something planned... Find out the fate of Renge's love, Kuroto's plan, and the mystery of Zukyunpire!