Hojo Masato is the second son of the president of well-known brand, "Pegasus Cosmetics", but for some reason he has kept a distance from his father and has been living alone since high school. Masato's secret goal is to start a cosmetic brand. On the other hand, Minamoto Yoriko is a "plain girl" working in a university laboratory and has a dream of winning the Nobel Prize. Fate brings these two together and they start engaging in a tense battle with Pegasus Cosmetics by launching a new men's cosmetics brand.
本片以化妆品业界为舞台,是化妆男子和素颜女子的凹凸男女搭档展开的新时代创业青春爱情喜剧。大西饰演的主人公是大学4年级学生北条雅人,他专注于化妆研究,拥有专业水准的知识。与此相对,女主角皆本赖子今年29岁,在大学研究室工作,素面朝天。两人一边和雅人父亲的公司展开激烈的战斗 ,一边一点点地缩短距离,年下男×三十岁女子意想不到的心动展开,雅人的哥哥也卷进了七上八下的三角关系。