Three new contestants perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives, while the in-studio audience try to decipher clues to correctly guess the celebrity and win up to $150,000.
Three new contestants perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives, while the in-studio audience try to decipher clues to correctly guess the celebrity and win up to $150,000.
Three new contestants perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives, while the in-studio audience try to decipher clues to correctly guess the celebrity and win up to $150,000.
Three new contestants perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives, while the in-studio audience try to decipher clues to correctly guess the celebrity and win up to $150,000.
Three new contestants perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives, while the in-studio audience try to decipher clues to correctly guess the celebrity and win up to $150,000.
The final six singers of the season perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives. With the help of guest host Joel McHale, the in-studio audience attempts to decipher clues to correctly guess the celebrities and win big money.
The final six singers of the season perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives. With the help of guest host Joel McHale, the in-studio audience attempts to decipher clues to correctly guess the celebrities and win big money.