抗日战争中汪伪政权时期,自幼在孤儿院长大的陆风奉命进入76号卧底待命,却因为生性多疑的沈啸险些暴露身份,最终凭借高超的智慧成功卧底进入76号,成为最高级别的特工成员,却不想与曾经喜爱过的陈惜为敌,两个彼此相爱的人经历种种误会最终确定彼此身份,在几次秘 密活动中相互配合,完成一系列秘密任务。陆风在行动之中逐渐认识到军统内部的黑暗和对权力利益的纷争,在经历恩师背叛和亲人被杀之后,弃暗投明加入中国共产党,成为中共地下党在军统内部的卧底。他与组织紧密配合,与敌人展开智慧与勇气的较量,布置一个个精巧的圈套和陷阱,经历爱情、亲情和友情的洗礼,为抗战的最终胜利赢得转机。
During the 1944 Wang Jingwei regime of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Lu Feng, an orphan, returns home to Shanghai after studying for two years in Japan. Unbeknownst to the world, he has been ordered to enter the No. 76 Headquarters as an undercover agent for the Communist Party. Along the way, Lu Feng encounters the mysterious Hua Xiang Yu, a capable and skilled woman who has just returned from studying abroad in America, and his old childhood friend, Huo Fei. Both individuals seem to hold secrets of their own. Time and time again, as Lu Feng strives to protect his undercover identity, he finds himself on the opposite side of Hua Xiang Yu. Slowly and uncertainly, the two circle around each other, each hoping to uncover the other's real purpose.
In this time of chaos where corruption and violence dominate the world, these underground agents, can only choose to fight for what they believe is right... and, hopefully, bring about a more peaceful tomorrow.