Lian Maner, a modern girl, accidentally finds herself in an ancient rural village where she encounters the eccentric Lian family, who are her distant relatives. She also meets the enigmatic and "tsundere" male lead, Shen Nuo. Together, they confront troublesome relatives, engage in farming and business ventures, and strive for prosperity. As they go through various hilarious and chaotic situations, their relationship deepens, and they promise to accompany each other through life. With chickens flying and dogs jumping, and with the gathering of relatives and the cultivation of rice, everyone is invited to join in the farming journey.
Lian Man’er, jeune femme du monde moderne, atterrit au beau milieu d’un ancien village rural et fait la connaissance de la famille Lian, ses parents éloignés pour le moins excentriques. À la ferme, Man'er commence à travailler dans l’agriculture en compagnie de Shen Nuo, un jeune homme aux origines bien mystérieuses. Ensemble, ils espèrent faire prospérer leur commerce et gagner leur vie.