Polícia rieši ďalší prípad, ktorý si však vyžaduje Filipov geniálny mozog: muž pristál na psovi, ktorého venčil majiteľ uprostred sídliska. Bola to pozoruhodná nehoda, pretože – podľa Filipovej dedukcie – mŕtvy muž neskočil s padákom ani bez neho zo žiadneho z bytov. Tak ako sa teda mohlo jeho telo ocitnúť práve tu na zemi? Potom čo Filip Lenke prekazí rande, snaží sa jej niekoho nájsť. Vypočíta algoritmus správneho partnera a vyjde mu jeho doktor a rektor na škole, s oboma jej dohodne rande. Jeho výpočty ale nejako nesedia...
The police are solving another case, which, however, requires Filip's genius brain: a man landed on a dog that the owner was walking in the middle of a housing estate. It was a remarkable accident because—according to Philip's deduction—the dead man had not jumped with or without a parachute from any of the apartments. So how could his body end up right here on earth? After Filip spoils Lenka's date, he tries to find someone for her. He calculates the algorithm of the right partner and chooses his doctor and the rector at the school, and arranges a date with both of them. But his calculations somehow do not fit...