张红星(王耀庆 饰)是一个知足常乐的男人,在一家并不大的广告公司里做创意总监,虽然名头不算响亮,但现在的生活对于张红星来说已经非常不错了。张红星曾经有过一段失败的婚姻,他的前妻陈晓玲(王伟 饰)即将再婚,而张红星的母亲林凤英(奚美娟 饰)也一直操心着儿子的终身大事,疯狂的在相亲市场里寻寻觅觅。 关美洋(于明加 饰)是职业猎头,她在张红星的身上看到了无量的前途,于是向他抛出了橄榄枝,邀请他加入一家非常有名的广告公司,然而张红星并不愿意离开目前的舒适圈,也害怕承担额外的工作压力,所以拒绝了关美洋的邀请,哪知道关美洋是一个愈挫愈勇的女人,两人的纠葛就此拉开序幕。
Zhang Hong Xin is a man surrounded by women who have their motives whether it comes to his personal life or the workplace.
Zhang Hong Xing is the creative director of a small advertising firm. Because his ex-wife Zhang Xiao Ling wants to remarry, she sends her daughter back to live with him. Seeing that her son is not getting any younger, Lin Feng Ying resorts to every trick in the book to find her son a wife. Meanwhile, Guan Mei Yang is a seasoned head hunter who intends to pirate Zhang Hong Xing for a big firm. Perfectly content with his stable job, Hong Xing is not interested to face the challenges of a high-pressure job. However, Guan Mei Yang is a woman who won't take no for an answer. When Zhang Hong Xing agrees to take her offer on the condition that she pretends to be his girlfriend, she actually says yes. It starts Zhang Hong Xing on a new journey in the workplace.