지현의 손목에서 죽은 엄마의 머리끈을 발견한 영민은 지현을 추궁하지만, 자신의 이름조차 기억하지 못하는 지현은 답답하기만 하다. 때마침 지현이 붙은 핸드폰이 방전되며 지현은 암흑 공간에 갇히게 된다.
Young-min notices that the hairband on Ji-hyun's wrist is his late mother's. However, Ji-hyun doesn't remember anything about it or why she has it. Making things more confusing are the pictures of Ji-hyun and his mother together before the accident found on his mother's phone. Meanwhile, the police call Young-hin in for questioning about his mother's death, suspecting him of his involvement.
ビョンチョルに多額の労災給付金が下りることになり、ソヨンは病院に向かう。しかし、両親がいないはずのビョンチョルの元に突然、実の母親だと名乗る人物が現れる。ソヨンたちはその母親と共に納骨堂に行くが、ビョンチョルがアレルギーを持っているにも関わらずキウイを供える様子にヨンミンは違和感を抱く。そして、ソヨンとビョンチョルは婚姻届を出していなかったため、労災給付金は全額母親が手にすることになるが…。 テレビ東京にて毎週日曜深夜3時15分より放送中!