齋藤飛鳥が「卒業後に一番やりたかったこと」をお助けする特別企画!普段はテレビ朝日の放送室からOKAMOTO’S ハマ・オカモトと齋藤飛鳥の音楽トーク番組がロケに飛び出した!「免許をとって車を運転したい」「できればデッカイ車がいい」という飛鳥さんの希望を叶えるため、番組が教習所を貸し切り!“教習所イチ優しい”と評判の教官とハマさんのサポートのもと、運転の基本的な動作を習い始める飛鳥さん…限られた時間でどこまでできるのか!
A special program in which Asuka Saito will help you with "what you wanted to do most after graduation"! The music talk show of OKAMOTO'S Hama Okamoto and Asuka Saito went out on location from the broadcast room of TV Asahi usually! Asuka says she wants to get a driver's license and drive a car, preferably a big car, so the program rented out a driving school to fulfill her wish! With the support of her instructor, who is reputed to be the "gentlest" in the school, and Hama-san, Asuka starts learning the basic movements of driving... How much can she do in the limited time?