大昱朝中,册立储君一事迫在眉睫。朝堂势分两派,吵得如火如荼,三皇子君凌川运筹帷幄,深得帝心,成功登上太子之位,而丞相云昊天之女云芊羽也被赐婚为太子妃,卷入朝堂权力之争。云芊羽不甘成为政治联姻的牺牲品,面对强权选择反抗逃跑,却意外邂逅微服出巡民间的太子君凌川。缘定初见,纠缠一生。二人历经生死,患难与共,越来越多不为人知的真相被解开,而他们也将自己置身于危险之中。 面对至亲与挚爱,云芊羽该如何选择…… 而夹在爱人与江山之间的君凌川又能否寻得两全之法……
In the Dayu Dynasty, the establishment of the Crown Prince was imminent. The court was divided into two factions, and the quarrel was in full swing. The third prince, Jun Lingchuan, devised a strategy, won the emperor's heart, and succeeded in ascending the throne of the prince, while Yun Qianyu, the daughter of the prime minister Yun Haotian, was also married as the crown prince, and became involved in the affair. Unwilling to be the victim of a political marriage, Yun Qianyu chooses to resist and run away in the face of power, but unexpectedly encounters the prince, Jun Lingchuan, who is out on patrol in micro clothes. Destined to meet for the first time, entangled for a lifetime. The two experienced life and death, shared weal and woe, more and more unknown truths were unraveled, and they also put themselves in danger. Facing relatives and loved ones, how should Yun Qianyu choose...