スマホからメッセージを送ったり買い物をしたり…。そのとき情報のやり取りを安心してできるのは、実は暗号理論のおかげ。私たちはふだんから、高度な数学をつかって暮らしている。でも誰かに解読されてしまう恐れは本当にないのか?なぜそんなに安全とされているのか? その裏にある、現代暗号の驚きの数学エッセンスをお届けする。番組ラストはパンサー尾形からの秘密の暗号が!みなさんの数学の力で読み解いてください。
Panther Takahiro Ogata explains difficult mathematical problems in a very serious manner in "Math without Laughing". This time, we will discuss "Cryptography Theory," which makes full use of the wonders of prime numbers. The mathematicians' unorthodox way of thinking has given birth to the invention of the century! Sending messages and shopping using a cell phone.... The fact is that cryptography allows us to exchange information with peace of mind. We are usually using advanced mathematics in our daily lives. But is there really no danger of someone cracking it? Why is it considered so secure? We will show you the surprising mathematical essence of modern cryptography behind it. The last part of the program is a secret code from Panther Ogata! Please use your mathematical skills to decipher it.