1,2,3,4,5…と無限に続く「自然数」。2,4,6,8,10…とこちらも無限に続く「偶数」。もし、それぞれの「個数」をすべて数え上げることができたとしたら、どちらの方が大きいだろうか?「有理数」なら?「実数」なら? 考えれば考えるほど、迷宮に迷い込み、“人知を超えた領域“と言われた「無限」の世界に、たった1人で踏み入った天才数学者の物語。「自由の精神」を武器に戦いを挑み、たどり着いた先とは…。
Panther Takahiro Ogata explains difficult mathematical problems in a very serious manner in "Math without Laughing". The theme this time is "Infinity." This is the story of a mathematician who challenged the "realm of the divine," where no matter how far you go, there is no end. The "natural numbers" continue infinitely: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. The "even numbers" also continue infinitely 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... and so on. If you could count up all the "numbers" of each, which would be larger? What if they were rational numbers? If they were "real numbers"? The more you think about it, the more you get lost in the labyrinth. This is the story of a genius mathematician who ventured alone into the world of "infinity," which was said to be "beyond human knowledge." What was the outcome of his battle, armed with the "spirit of freedom"?