창욱은 자신의 차를 팔아달라는 다정의 성화에 못 이겨 중고차를 팔러 나선다. 갑자기 해삼탕을 먹고싶다는 다정의 연락을 받은 창욱은 자동차를 딜러에게 맡기고 부랴부랴 마트로 향하는데, 해삼탕 재료를 구하기가 만만치 않다.
Da-jung and Chang-wook start to dispose of Da-jung’s stuff as she is about to be admitted to a care center. Meanwhile, Da-jung’s condition gets worse. As she has almost no appetite, Chang-wook tries to develop a new recipe. The day before Da-jung is admitted, Chang-wook politely declines to sell Da-jung’s car as he is not ready to send her away yet.