“오늘은 힐링만 할 거야~” 여행 2일차에 외쳐보는 배주현의 ‘진짜’ 홀리데이 선언! 도 잠시..“배주현 님이 경로를 이탈하셨습니다” 감성, 힐링은 어디 가고, 난데 없이 발동 걸린 승부욕과 질주 본능?! 그녀에게 도대체 무슨 일이?
“I’ll just relax today.” Bae Ju Hyun declares that she will relax properly on the second day of the trip. However, something comes up. “Bae Ju Hyun has deviated from the course.” The emotional and relaxing trip suddenly turns into a wild one, where she runs with fierce competitiveness. What on earth has happened to her?