Godzilla-kun announces to Minilla and Little that they will be traveling to a secret training dojo deep in the Dongara mountains, where their family has trained for generations. Shortly after they department, they encounter Anguirus, who communicates with Godzilla-kun via speech bubbles. He asks him where they're going, but Godzilla-kun refuses to reveal the secret. At the dojo, Godzilla-kun challenges Minilla and Minilla to grab a banana at the top of a mountainous half-pipe. After he successfully demonstrates, Little almost follows suit, only to slide back down, and the others pull him back up with a rope. Minilla is even less successful, stumbling off the precipice and bouncing around. Moshu-Moshu arrives and easily delivers the rest of the bananas by rolling up and down the half-pipe, then continues rolling just for fun. The Godzilla Brothers and Anguirus enjoy their meal.