넷플릭스의 예능 프로그램 '코리아 넘버원'은 유재석, 김연경, 이광수 세 사람이 대한민국 넘버원 장인을 찾아가 체력과 정신력을 모두 쏟아내며 전통노동을 체험하고 그날의 넘버원이 되기 위해 몸부림치는 프로그램이다.
Netflix’s entertainment show “Korea No.1” is a program in which three people Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Yeon-koung and Lee Kwang-soo visit Korea’s No.1 master craftsmen, pour out all their physical and mental strength, experience traditional labor and struggle to become No.1 of the day.
They will visit local places we did not know and personally experience harsh labor. It is expected that the appearance of three people traveling around No.1 places where Korean tradition resides and sincerely working as well as their non-stop talks and unpredictable body gags will give viewers big laughs.
Nesta competição, celebridades visitam mestres da cultura tradicional coreana para experimentar diferentes trabalhos e tentar conquistar o título de O Melhor.
Yu Jae-seok, Lee Kwang-soo y Kim Yeon-koung viajan por Corea del Sur para aprender de los maestros de oficios tradicionales y convertirse en el aprendiz número uno.
Yu Jae-seok, Lee Kwang-soo ja Kim Yeon-koung matkustavat ympäri Koreaa oppiakseen parhailta perinteisen kulttuurin mestareilta ja kisaavat parhaan harjoittelijan asemasta.
Yu Jae-seok, Lee Kwang-soo et Kim Yeon-koung partent à la rencontre des maîtres de la tradition coréenne pour apprendre leur savoir-faire et se disputer le titre de n° 1 de Corée.