天変地異の前触れと言われるササメダケの花が咲いた!そして空には金色の虹が現れる!更には、それに呼応するように地底怪獣までもが動き出す! 未曽有の事態の中で負傷してしまうリュウモン。カナタは彼を励まそうとするが… 果たしてリュウモンが見つめる先にあるものとは?
The Sasamedake flower blooms. It is said to be the harbinger of disaster! Then, a golden rainbow appears in the sky! As if responding to its call, a subterranean monster appears! Ryumon is injured as this unprecedented situation unfolds. Kanata tries to cheer him up, but....what lies at the end of Ryumon's gaze?