I had the idea for a video like this over a year ago, but I couldn't settle on the conspiracy theory to do it on. Luckily Steven Crowder settled that for me by releasing a huge stream that embodied the entire "Just Asking Questions" technique. Please keep in mind that this technique isn't necessarily deliberate, but in Crowder's case, I think it might be motivated by financial success. At least on an unconscious level. And remember, you don't have to be liar to be full of crap. I believe (but was not 100% sure) that the red wagon claim had its own video on Crowder's channel, but was taken down after it was exposed to be obviously not true. But the five hour stream it premiered in is still very much up as I upload this video. It's also filled with similarly bogus claims that do not substantiate voter fraud at all. But a huge video like that, with over five million views, isn't something you take down just because it's bogus. Why give up that sweet revenue, right? Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoseNotAJay Contribute to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JoseOnYoutube Thumbnail concept by https://fluttr.me Sources https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54811410 https://kvoa.com/news/decision-2020/2020/11/04/pima-county-debunks-social-medias-felt-tip-pen-ballot-controversy/ https://twitter.com/pimaarizona/status/1324031397971914752 https://www.wxyz.com/news/how-a-wxyz-wagon-sparked-false-election-fraud-claims-in-detroit https://twitter.com/rossjonesWXYZ/status/1324213924250660869 https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/05/media/detroit-windows-covered-ballots-vote-center/index.html https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world/us-election-2020-michigan-officials-rectify-error-after-software-glitch-incorrectly-gave-6000-donald-trump-votes-to-joe-biden-6082151.html https://results.philadelphiavotes.com/ResultsSW.aspx?type=FED&map=CTY https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/524460-error-in-edison-research-data-from-arizona-only-86-of-vote-in-not-98 htt