Xie Xiao Ni, a silk merchant’s daughter, loses her family as a result of a conspiracy launched against them. Determined to stand on her own, she works on improving her skills and making a name for herself. Xiao Ni works as a merchant, in preparation for taking over the family business. But it and the Xie Clan both fall into ruin, once framed by the rival Su Clan. Xiao Ni survives, vowing to clear their name and to revive the clan.
Posing as Ni Chang, Xiao Ni enters the Jiangnan Yunjin Manor to learn embroidery skills. Years of training allow her to gain a foothold into the industry. Once the Su Clan learns of her intentions, attempts to prevent her from succeeding, begin in earnest. Ouyang Zi Yu, in love with Ni Chang for some time, offers his assistance.
- Xiao Nu Ni Chang
- Xiao Nv Ni Chang
- Little Girl
Xie Xiao Ni est la fille d'un marchand de soie et rêve d'avoir sa propre boutique. Mais quand sa famille est victime d'une conspiration par la famille Su, Xiao Ni doit prendre le nom de "Ni Chang". Elle entre alors au manoir Jiangnan Yunjin pour apprendre la broderie mais ne perd pas espoir d'innocenter et de raviver sa famille. A ce moment-là, elle revoit le prince Ou Yang Ziyu qui est secrètement amoureux d'elle depuis des années.