• TheTVDB.com Season ID 1906186
  • Created March 4, 2021
  • Modified May 19, 2023
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 お鷹組誕生
January 10, 1978
S01E02 黒い沼の悪を斬る
January 17, 1978
S01E03 花嫁行列を追え!
January 24, 1978
S01E04 大江戸の暗黒を斬る!
January 31, 1978
S01E05 行方不明!謎の60人
February 7, 1978
S01E06 奥州路に鷹が舞う!
February 14, 1978
S01E07 危ない父さま!
February 21, 1978
S01E08 廃虚の街に鷹が飛ぶ
February 28, 1978
S01E09 女地獄!魔の尼寺
March 7, 1978
S01E10 凶弾復讐の女豹
March 14, 1978
S01E11 傷だらけの一匹狼
March 21, 1978
S01E12 凶弾復讐の女豹
March 28, 1978
S01E13 待ち伏せ!千人槍同心
April 4, 1978
S01E14 黒い傷痕の用心棒
April 11, 1978
S01E15 孤剣!首斬り弥五郎
April 18, 1978
S01E16 熱砂の女地獄谷!
April 25, 1978
S01E17 さすらいの聖少女
May 2, 1978
S01E18 献上鷹!危機一髪
May 9, 1978
S01E19 赤い疑惑の罠を斬る
May 16, 1978
S01E20 戦慄!夜霧の女
May 23, 1978
S01E21 暗黒街の子連れ狼
May 30, 1978
S01E22 本日火刑に処す
June 6, 1978
S01E23 大奥の女王蜂
June 13, 1978
S01E24 絶唱!大空に舞う黒髪
June 20, 1978
S01E25 魔の峠!女の地獄
June 27, 1978
S01E26 田沼一族の陰謀
July 4, 1978
S01E27 鉄火肌!永代河岸の女
July 11, 1978
S01E28 秘境!斑尾八人の尼僧
July 18, 1978
S01E29 三途ノ川の子守歌
July 25, 1978
S01E30 怪奇!八ツ目洞窟の隠し金
August 1, 1978
S01E31 怨み花・浴槽の死美人
August 8, 1978
S01E32 イナズマ号に異状あり
August 15, 1978
S01E33 黒豹、闇を裂く
August 22, 1978
S01E34 危機一髪、将軍暗殺!
August 29, 1978
S01E35 策謀!女賊の罠
September 5, 1978
S01E36 壮絶 お鷹組隊長戦死!
September 12, 1978
S01E37 激闘 お鷹組副長戦死す!
September 19, 1978
S01E38 決戦 お鷹組全員死地へ向う!
series finale
September 26, 1978

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