クロッター社に再び事件が!今度はゴールデン・スペルの影響で全社員が赤ちゃん言葉を話すようになってしまった。200万円でアンチ・スペルの開発を依頼された鷹の爪団だが、材料となる「感謝の言葉」を悪の秘密結社が集めるのは至難の技。そこで正義の味方デラックスファイターを手伝うことにするが…… 一方、クロッター社の事件に奇妙な館内放送が関係していることを突き止めた政府は、NTSこと内閣特命捜査室の鳳美冬に捜査指令を下す。
Crotter has another incident! This time, due to the influence of the golden spelling, all employees started to speak baby talk. The Eagle Talon was asked to develop an anti-spell for 2 million yen, but it is extremely difficult for an evil secret society to collect the "words of gratitude" that are the material. So I decided to help the deluxe fighter on the side of justice ... On the other hand, the government found out that a strange in-house broadcast was involved in the case of Crotter, and issued an investigation order to Otori Fuyu of the Cabinet Special Investigation Office, NTS. Give it down.