町の焼肉屋にジゴマが現れ、白昼堂々、カルビを食い逃げした? この事件の推理で辻刑事と息子・タカシは真っ向から対立。結局、焼肉屋の主人の狂言だというタカシの推理に軍配が上がった。しかしメンツをつぶされた辻刑事は激怒。タカシに対して「探偵団などやめてしまえ」と告げる。これに激しく反発したタカシたちは……。
Did Zigomar appear at the town's yakiniku (barbecue) restaurant and gobble up kalbi in broad daylight? Detective Tsuji and his son Takashi are at odds with each other on the theory of this case. In the end, Takashi's theory that the owner of the yakiniku restaurant had gone crazy won out. However, Detective Tsuji is furious at having his reputation ruined. He tells Takashi to "quit the Detective Group. Takashi and the others are furious at this and go to.......